Letter to Parks & Recreation Commission & City Council

TO: Sean P Kelly, Mayor, Maple Valley

Greg Brown, Parks and Recreation Director, Maple Valley

Maple Valley, City Council Members

Maple Valley, Parks and Recreation Commission Members

From: The Lake Wilderness Home Owners Association Board (LWHOA)

Date: June 14, 2017

RE: Lake Wilderness Golf Course Initiatives

After attending the recent Parks and Rec meetings and joint City Council meetings regarding the Lake Wilderness golf course initiatives, the LWHOA board must express our residents’ serious concerns with the management and oversight of the review and selection process, as well as the three proposals both the Parks and Rec and City Council are considering.

At the May 31 meeting, over 40 Lake Wilderness residents attended and came away with more questions and concerns then were answered.  The meeting appeared to cater to the three proposals without providing fair opportunity for residents to ask questions and/or express their opinions.

The excessive amount of time provided to the three proposals limited the opportunity for resident feedback.

This does a disservice to the community as it focuses only on the proposals and offers no feedback either for or against.

Addressing the three proposals, the LWHOA board and residents ask the joint meeting of the City Council and Parks and Rec to address the following questions:

  1. Premier proposal:
    1. Why consider a radical proposal from a management service that has failed to improve operations and access since taking over management for the course?
    2. Why did it take a serious threat to remove Premier from the management of the golf course to get any action out of their management team?
    3. Premier continues to compare LWGC with failed enterprises and with other Premier managed courses who are not comparable with the LWGC; e.g. Interbay Golf Center is a short 9-hole course with a putting option.  This style of golf is designed for families with little or no golf experience.  LWGC is built and designed for golfers.
    4. Who from the Parks and Rec have truly analyzed the claims from Premier as they change from meeting to meeting?; e.g. anticipated revenue, anticipated costs, continued management personnel, revenues from comparable golf courses, contacting comparable golf courses operated by Premier to assess staff’s opinion of Premier as an employer.
  1. Food and Beverage proposal:
    1. The LWHOA believes the F&B service should be designed to meet the needs of the clientele who use the course.  The cliental are golfers.  Anything else is competing with the local, established F&B market which is an uphill battle.
    2. A simplified F&B service should offer golfers easy to prepare and take food options, with on course cart service and beverages.
  1. Golf course and hotel proposal:
    1. We agree with part of this proposal which addresses the need to update the grounds keeping equipment, maintain the golf course with acquisition of water rights, and improving the course with structural and aesthetically pleasing options.  All of which will enhance the golfer’s experience.
    2. We adamantly disagree with a “miniature” driving range.  The area proposed is too small and unless netted in on all three outward sides and roof, threatens the homes at the end of the driving range.
    3. Similar to the Premier proposal, we do not believe a putting course will be inexpensive to install and maintain and do not believe it will attract families.  If the City Council and Parks and Rec desire a putting course, locating this option at the Lake Wilderness lodge area would make more sense as the park is designed for families.
    4. We disagree with any thought to replace the existing LWGC main building with a hotel of any size or function.  NO thought has been put into the increased traffic, parking, and imposition to the LW residents as the proposal comes from a group who do not live in the LW community.  The LWGC footprint is too small to accommodate such a facility and maintain its unique and bucolic character.

The LWHOA board has offered at several meetings to be included on discussion, research, and ultimate consideration for any activity/recommendation by the Parks and Rec to the City Council for ultimate decision making.

Greg Brown has offered to come to a Lake Wilderness HOA Board Meeting, and we extend the same offer to any City Council Member.  The next LWHOA Board meeting will be on 7/18/2017 @ 5:15 p.m. at the Lake Wilderness Lodge.

Given the significant impact the LWGC has on the local Lake Wilderness community, Maple Valley residents, and the long term impact for Maple Valley as a strong growing bedroom community, we strongly urge the City Council and Parks and Rec to consider our motions above.


Stephen P Katzenson, President of LWHOA

Cell #:  907-223-2774/E-mail:  Stephen.Katzenson@multicare.org

Shirley Evans, Vice-President of the LWHOA

Jamie Garner, Secretary of the LWHOA

Dan White, Board Member of the LWHOA

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